Our first whales of the season came to greet us, announcing at the same time that our request to approach the mammals had been accepted and validated . The whole team of Teahupoo Tahiti Surfari is therefore happy to announce that this year we are offering you a brand new experience: meeting humpback whales in their natural environment.
These marine mammals do us the honor of choosing our warm and calm to give birth to their young and reproduce from June to November and this year we want to share with you our vision and love for these majestic creatures.
To offer you the best service, Teahupoo Tahiti Surfari partners with Ocean Inspired to share with you our common philosophy. In order for the experience to be in line with our values , our approach to whales is based on patience, respect, sharing and education (transmission) . It is these common motivations that are at the origin of our collaboration with Ocean Inspired.
We are truly proud and privileged to have the chance to work with Ocean Inspired, a complete project based on the passion of a young woman for the Ocean and its marine fauna, Nani is part of of these people who live to transmit their passion, with more than 20 years of experience in the approach of cetaceans on Moorea, she will supervise the launches.
Our outings will be limited to a maximum of 8 passengers in order to guarantee a quality service, professional and close to our guests.